Aloe Vera Benefits For Face

The oral use of aloe vera gel may also block the absorption of medicines taken at the same time. Oral aloe, which has a laxative effect, can cause cramping and diarrhea. This may cause electrolyte imbalances in the blood of people who ingest aloe for more than a few days. It can also stain the colon, making it hard to get a good look at the colon during a colonoscopy. Aloe gel, for topical or oral use, should be free of aloin, which can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. It is cultivated in subtropical regions around the world, including the southern border areas of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Hunter D, Frumkin A. Adverse reactions to Vit E and aloe vera preparations after dermabrasion and chemical peel. Montaner JS, Gill J, Singer J. Double-blind placebo-controlled pilot trial of acemannan in advanced human immunodeficiency virus disease.

According to one study, when applied four times per day for 15 days, aloesin was found to be effective in treating UV-induced and post-acne hyperpigmentation. Another study found that the topical application of aloesin can directly inhibit hyperpigmented skin from producing more melanin, the pigment that, when overproduced, causes dark spots to form. And, you know that if you've got a healthy inside, it'll give you a glowing outside which in this case is radiant skin. Clinical research suggests topical application of aloe gel may speed burn healing. There also is evidence that treatment with aloe vera may reduce pain from burns.

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This after-sun aloe lotion also contains antioxidant ingredients and emollients meant to increase the soothing and moisturizing effects. Just like the name says, it'll help your skin cool down aloe succulent plants after a long day outside, which is why it's one of our favorite after-sun products. "If there is any benefit to using aloe topically, you are much more likely to get those benefits from using a treatment directly from a plant versus using a formulated product," Romanowski says.

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